Our Services

Access Body Processes

What we offer


  • Are you ready for more? Take a one day class and learn Access Bars. With this one day class you are a practitioner and can practice on your friend, family, or even start your own business.

    Need a class on a different date? Contact Us and we will find a date that works for you.

  • Would the tools of Access Consciousness benefit you or your organization? Click here for some possible topics.

  • Access Bars is a 60-90 minute energetic treatment that relaxes your brain and body. This gentle, non-invasive technique works on releasing both physical and mental blocks stored within the body and helps to facilitate greater ease in different areas of life. Learn More

  • Access Energetic Facelift is an energetic treatment that relaxes the musculature of the face and chest. It is a dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process, the facelift can deepen and quicken the body’s natural healing capacities. Learn More

  • Access Bars and Access Facelift are just the start of the amazing body processes offered. With over 60 hands-on body processes to choose from there is at least one that will give you and your body more ease. Let’s find out together what that process might be. Click here to book a consultation

“The magic is not in the medicine but in the patient’s body, the recuperative or self-corrective energy of nature. What the treatment does is to stimulate natural functions and remove what hinders them”

— C.S. Lewis