Access Bars® Fast Facts

What is Access Bars®

The Access Bars® is a set of 32 points on the head which, when lightly touched, stimulate positive change in the brain and defragment the electromagnetic components of stress, thoughts, and emotions.

A Bars session typically lasts for 60-90 minutes and is a process you can undertake as one-time session, monthly, weekly, or as a daily experience.

It is currently used in businesses, schools and even prisons around the world to facilitate greater health and wellbeing.  The effects of Access Bars® are scientifically verified, are individual to each person, and differ from session to session.  However, recipients have reported that a session of Access Bars® can help with the following

  • Improved physical health

  • Greater mental clarity and reduced stress

  • Enhanced motivation and easier communication

  • Significant increase in feeling of joy, happiness, gratitude, kindness, and peace

  • Deeper relaxation and possible effects on migraines and insomnia

  • Enhanced mental health; reduced symptoms of depression, panic attacks, ADD, ADHD, & OCD

  • Greater intuitive awareness

How does it work?

When lightly touched, the Bars points stimulate a positive neurological response inside the recipient.  This appears to trigger the body’s natural ability to heal and facilitate the physiological changes required for greater well being.