Elizabeth Boener

Empowerment Coach and Access Bars Facilitator

I began working with Access Consciousness in the fall of 2019 after taking my first Access Bars class. After two decades of teaching children with special needs and 5 years of social work it was time for a change. Years of working with people with multiple layers of trauma had left me tired, depressed, and anxiety riddled. All that changed with a one day workshop. Years of therapy and medications didn’t make the changes that I saw after one day and I needed to share that with the world.

Looking around I found that, although Access Consciousness is popular worldwide, there was a lack of facilitators near my home. That had to change and I quickly got my facilitator’s license so I could teach others all about the tools I had been given. How does it get any better than that?

Current Access Consciousness Certifications

  • Access Bars Practitioner

  • Access Bars Facilitator

  • Access Facelift Practitioner

  • Access Body Process Practitioner

But Access Consciousness in only part of what I do. I am also a screener for Irlen Syndrome and am still a teacher in the public education. I can help you navigate the system and have even been known tutor. Let me know what I can do to help you.